Thursday, 3 March 2011

Thursday eh?

It dawned on me the other day that I haven't had a chance to blog on here for a while. I've been writing stuff for Audio Couture (see previous post and the following), so it's about time I post something not entirely about music and more specifically something about me.

So me, eh? Let's see, this morning I had a rad Full English on Queen's Crescent, not right on it, it's freezing and it's market day. That wouldn't have been enjoyable. I've also spent the last half hour mucking around on my guitar. I'll link to that later. [I don't like the idea of someone with a short attention span jumping to that and not reading the rest of the post. It's rude.] But in the general, more than past five minutes of my life, I'm tending bar in West Hampstead at the quite lovely Alice House.

Back to the present and I've just received one. Well, it's from myself. My Mac battery has arrived. I've been without on for the past six months. Time to plug this bad boy in. I'll be back in a min.

1 comment:

  1. The first track shows what happens when you export a file from Ableton with two audio tracks. Should put people off stealing it. But saying that, feel free to steal and play around with the music.
