Simply put: I'm ridiculously skinny. Like model skinny. I have a body that 16 year old girls would kill for (except the boobs, I have no chest, literally).
It's quite strange that in my dark past I've worked as a cook in several restaurants and cafés. But then that's the side of me that cares more about other people than myself. I'm lazy when it comes to cooking for one.
Olivia, my girlfriend, on the other hand, is a great cook. So much so, she's started a Tumblr of the things she puts in her mouth. She's like Nigella Lawson, but younger. She puts me to shame. Here's some of her home made sushi.
She's pretty good at deserts too.
Aren't you jealous? I am. She's gone back home for the summer. I'm suffering!
So I thought I'd upload my efforts at dinner. Where Olivia can come up with a delicious three course meal for two for under a tenner (usually less), I fail to feed myself a one course on the meagre budget I have. Except today.
Mmm... Sainsbury's reduced quarter pounder burgers on a bed of rocket, cress and lettuce, with homemade caramelised onions and chips. Heart attack inducing.
Can you come back to London now?
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