I've got a habit for getting into shit well after the hype has settled. It's a safe way of enjoying a cultural commodity without getting sucked into the surrounding shitstorm. My life is busy enough to spare a few minutes watching TV. I don't need to read about said TV show in magazines, websites or shows about the show.
So enter my newest viewing pleasure. Californication. If you saw it first time round, congratulations. I didn't. It was shown on five (uncapitalised right?), which was a channel I either a) couldn't receive in Cornwall; or b) only watched American sports on. I forget which it was.
I vaguely remember hearing murmurs about it when it first came out. But the inner cynic saw a dangerous combination and stuck to his hype avoiding ways. five didn't show any good shows (so how why would it start showing them?) and the plot of the show stank of cliché that no amount of Chanel 5 could cover up. Damn my inner cynic. (This is a note to myself.)
Californication revolves around protagonist Hank (David Duchovny) an LA based writer who can't write. [Cynical yet?] He drinks too much, has a child with his ex-girlfriend (not wife, so 21st Century) whom he's still in love with. But at the same time he has sex with everything that moves (well, they are all hot at least, well done Hank) including the 16-year old daughter of the guy that is going to marry his ex-girlfriend. He also chain smokes, confirming the old saying that smoking makes you look cool and gets you laid. There's the odd bit of coke thrown in there too, but we didn't have any old sayings about that in school. Ah... it's sounding better now.
The show could easily fall down on so many level but it doesn't. Duchovny brings charm by the crapped out Porsche load. All memories of Mulder disappear within the first five seconds. Natasha McElhone shines as his long-suffering ex (Karen) and instantly you too want to get back with her. You'll also want to be a chain smoking, chain fucking machine like Hank. To offset Hank's smooth approach is his agent Charlie (Evan Handler, Harry from Sex And The City). Charlie is a boob. A likeable boob. But a boob nonetheless. A classic Odd Couple pairing. Charlie's sub plots are as entertaining as the main event, although in Charlie's screen time he is the only boob in shot.
The guy is so cool he doesn't need to wear trousers. I'm gonna start using that as a defence: "Sorry officer, the reason I'm not wearing any trousers is because I'm a chain smoking, chain fucking, drug and coke fuelled writer."
It's good to know that Hollywood has time for narcissistic, self defeating characters WHO ACTUALLY HAVE SOME CHARACTER. I steer clear of most TV because I wouldn't want to be in the same room as most the people on TV. Yet Californication has come up with one that I'd want to be in ten years time. Screw the dreams of reality TV contestants (singers, businessmen, cunts) or the conveyor belt of spoilt American brats (The OC, The Hills, The Cunts). This show is perfect for anyone who's ever wondered quite how cool it would be to be a writer. That's everyone, right?
This is possibly the greatest advert for smoking/writing/fucking/borderline alcoholism I've ever seen. Buy me a star on the boulevard, this fictional bastard is putting us all to shame.
[And yes, I realise the irony of writing about a TV show despite not having time to read things about TV shows.]